Class 'format_base' has been renamed for the autoloader and is now deprecated. Please use 'core_courseformat\base' instead.
Class 'format_section_renderer_base' has been renamed for the autoloader and is now deprecated. Please use 'core_courseformat\output\section_renderer' instead.

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Plugin format_flexsections does not declare valid $plugin->component in its version.php.
Library_1: Making reflective notes
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Completion requirements

As you work through the resources in each section, and think about the discussion question and how you would answer it, you might find it helpful to rewrite things in your own words, or mark direct quotes you may want to use later, and evaluate what you read critically.

Module reflection notes (download template here)

As you read each resource and the discussion forum you can make notes by asking yourself



What was the main information in this resource/forum (limit your self to 3 brief sentences – bullet points are helpful)



Is there any experience I have had that matches the information in the resource/forum, or is it different, how?



Is there anything I don’t understand? What questions do I have? Where can I find the answers?


Note down your thoughts about other student posts – is their experience the same as yours or different? Have they made any points that you are unsure about and want further clarification – perhaps they have not stated where they found the information. You may have found some different research that shows the opposite



Last modified: Sunday, 2 June 2019, 10:50 PM